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Yoga Classes
Denise’s classes are to be found in and around Cambridge city as well as surrounding villages. They are split into beginners/improvers Yoga, intermediate and some specialised classes, examples of which are below:
• Yoga for back strengthening
• Parkinsons Disease Yoga
• Yoga for Sports (tennis, cycling, running, football etc)
• Private one-to-one tuition
• Yoga for children
• School-based Yoga days
The Sibley-Moore Yoga classes are usually one or one and half hours long. Mats, blocks and belts are used in the class with Denise supervising and occasionally adjusting positions to help each student manage their practise.
Classes vary in size from eight to thirty and courses are run on a half term basis, roughly 6 or 7 weeks in duration.
Denise also takes classes in several health clubs and gyms, find the nearest venue to you. For details of classes please view the class timetable.