Sibley-Moore Testimonials
During the last 7 years, I have practiced Yoga with Denise. She is a wonderful teacher. Not only does she teach Yoga well, she also passes on her knowledge of muscles and muscle groups, and the deeper meaning of Yogic exercises. She combines ancient Yogic knowledge with modern kinesthetic knowledge. Her sessions are an invigorating workout and relaxing, each session well thought-through.
Consecutive sessions build up towards more complicated postures.
Denise’s teaching style is beneficial for beginners as well as intermediate students. I would recommend Denise’s sessions, also, for people with a variety of health problems such as back and neck problems, anxiety, concentration difficulties, stiffness, etc.
Patty van Rooij
Occupational Therapist
My 14 year- old daughter and seven of her friends opted to learn about Yoga and it’s benefits as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Some of them chose to undertake the classes as their sports option, whilst others listed Yoga as a new skill.
Denise ran the class after school for three months giving the girls a good grounding in Yoga, showing some very sporty types that competition is not always a requirement for keeping fit.
Denise was able to set the classes at the right level for these teenagers. The classes proved to be very successful as seen in the near 100% attendance record.
Carol Palmer.
Secondary school teacher.
Cottenham Village College
I am only too aware of the need to maintain our physical and mental well- being and in today’s busy world it is all too easy to overlook that vital work.
I am a firm believer in the old adage, ‘use it or loose it’ and to that end have been practising Yoga with Denise for over 15 years. I know her to be a highly skilled teacher with not only a detailed knowledge of the human body but also an empathic approach.
I find her classes are carefully structured in order to work on the whole person and a real joy to attend.
Jill Briggs SRN SCM NDN cert
NHS Project Manager
I started as a total beginner and became ‘hooked’ and now attend her class twice a week all year round.
Denise is an excellent teacher and her preparation is thorough. Each class builds up gradually to postures that are challenging allowing us to achieve our potential whatever stage we are at. She tends to have a theme within this planning every term and gives us the home practise sheets to compliment this. She has excellent subject knowledge which is confidently put across, but which also encourages us to think for ourselves about why we do things.
Denise always keeps up to date with current practise both through workshops and research.
In conclusion, Denise’s interesting lessons and interpersonal skills are what bring us back week after week, year after year to improve our Yoga practise.
Sally Lane
Educational Consultant
Denise has been running our special yoga class for people with Parkinson’s disease since 2001. I am so glad we took her up on her offer to run such a class, as it has proved so beneficial to those of us who have attended. Some of us have done Yoga for several years, others have never tried it; some people are fairly newly diagnosed, others have had the condition for many years, but we all find we leave the class feeling so much better than when we went in.
Denise does take care with people’s limitations and focuses on postures and movements that help with balance and general fluidity. We work up to some simple but strong postures (such as Triangle, Warrior) by way of limbering up exercises that get our brains coordinated, our bodies relaxed and our balance tested. To help us we follow the same routine for a few weeks at a time – we are given the exercises in printed form so that we can continue our practice at home.
But this does not cover the ambience of the classes – their good-humouredness; the care Denise takes in answering our questions, drawing on her experience and immense knowledge of the body, and her keenness to understand what we are going through. She both makes allowances and encourages us on.
She also has the most wonderfully calming voice (“hypnotic” someone said) for relaxation/meditation. It is always difficult for people with Parkinson’s to relax fully but it takes no time at all at one of Denise’s sessions! There is always someone who falls asleep – not exactly what’s supposed to happen when relaxing but in our case a chance to really let go then return back to “the world” deliciously refreshed.
Yoga has been found in surveys of people with Parkinson’s to be one of the most beneficial therapies. Its centring of the mind and body takes one’s thoughts off the heaviness of the limbs and any sense of “can’t do”; it allows stretch, balance and strength, gives a feeling of having exercised all round and then of complete relaxation. Denise offers pointers to a deeper understanding of the mind/body connection and the meaning of Yoga, but if we do not take these on we are still hugely encouraged by Denise’s enthusiasm, patience and persistent faith in us…even when we wobble and get it all mixed up!! We may not exactly progress greatly in Yoga terms but we certainly do in our own terms: it needs someone like Denise to show us that and to celebrate it!
Alison Pegrum
Cambridge Parkinsons Disease Society Yoga Group